Missions Ministry
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16:15
The Missions Ministry has an international and local evangelistic and service based focus designed to assist the church in fulfilling Jesus’ recorded words “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every nation” (Mark 16:15) “…baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).
The Missions Department partners with various local and international missionaries and organizations alongside Agape Church based ministries. The Missions Department is led by a servant leader approved by the elders (church board) and is composed of a member volunteers who have a passion for missions. The committee operates in consultation with the elders. Funds for the support of missions come from monthly 10% Church contribution which is generally allocated from the total offering collections of Agape. The missions department recommends to the church board and the church how mission funds are distributed for various projects.
Below are some, but certainly not all the ministries within the Missions department. Some are ongoing, others seasonal, although If you would like to participate or partner with us, please contact us.
In planul hotarat de Dumnezeu, in familia lui Anton si Elena Damian din Sibiu s-au nascut noua copii. Parintii l-au rugat pe Dumnezeu, sa le dea copiilor din darul muzicii. Dintre cei noua, Dan, Radu si Narcis formeaza grupul The Messengers. De mici copii s-au deprins cu educatia muzicala, astfel urmand studii la vioara, pian, chitara, percutie si voce. Pe langa acestea, in timpul adolescentei, Dan incepe sa descopere izvorul compozitiei, un dar primit de la Creatorul muzicii. Toate aceste pregatiri, Dumnezeu le-a folosit pentru ca mai tarziu prin calauzirea Duhului Sfant, sa ia contur, planul Sau cu viata lor. In anul 1983, impreuna cu familia lor parasesc Romania si se stabilesc in orasul Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Misiunea “The Messengers” a fost fondată în anul 1983 de Dan Damian. De atunci, Dumnezeu i-a ajutat sa inregistreze muzica primita de la El. De-a lungul anilor lucrarea lor s-a extins mai mult decat au putut sa-si imagineze. Evanghelizari, concerte, construire de biserici in Romania. Din 1997 a inceput producerea si transmiterea programului de televiziune Pastorul Cel Bun in Portland si Romania. Muzica si activitatea lor este foarte iubita si apreciata in comunitatea romana de pretutindeni si se bucura de o foarte buna colaborare cu toti pastorii si bisericile din America, Europa si România. Din anul 1990, de cand Dumnezeu a hotarat ca regimul comunist sa fie inlaturat, lucrarea misiunii The Messengers in Romania s-a extins. A inceput colaborarea cu Asociatia Misionara Crestina Emanuel din Sibiu, fondata si condusa de Nicu Bisboaca.
Ascultand de Marea Trimitere, de Marea Porunca a Iubirii si sub impulsul Marii Imputerniciri, MISIUNEA THE MESSENGERS organizeaza turnee de evanghelizare si de implicare sociala in Romania si Diaspora. Aproape in fiecare an incepand cu 1991, pana in prezent, grupul The Messengers a fost prezent in Romania, cu ajutorul Domnului, in lucrarea de evanghelizare. Lucram si comunicam cu toti pastorii bisericilor locale care doresc sa se implice in turneele noastre. Inchiriem cele mai mari spatii publice, stadioane, case de cultura, sali sportive, gradini de vara, etc., dupa viziunea locala si nevoi.
In fiecare oras dorim sa venim in ajutorul familiilor sarace cu cate un pachet cat mai consistent de alimente, pe baza unor liste intocmite de bisericile locale. Secerisul e mare si Dumnezeu ne-a spus tuturor sa mergem in Numele Lui si sa vestim Cuvantul Evangheliei – prin cantec, fapta si cuvant – la semenii nostri. Dumnezeu a lasat ca viziunea noastra sa cuprinda si acest aspect – de a construi cladiri de biserici. Pana in prezent, cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu si prin darnicia fratilor am construit trei biserici: in comunele Taut si Chesenet din judetul Arad si in orasul
Bicaz din judetul Neamt. Am mai cumparat o casa in orasul Calafat, judetul Dolj pe care am transformat-o in cladire de biserica, iar altor biserici in constructie din diferite zone ale Romaniei leam oferit donatii. Cerinte si nevoi in acest sens ne sunt adresate mereu si mereu. Prin credinta, cu ajutorul Domnului si darnicia dumneavoastra putem sa incepem un nou proiect, un nou locas de rugaciune, unde sufletele oamenilor sunt hranite prin Cuvant, si unde cel pacatos Il poate intalni pe Dumnezeu.
ENG: In the plan that in God’s family Anton and Elena Damian Sibiu were born nine children. Parents begged God to give children the gift of music. Of the nine, Dan Radu and Narcis formed the group The Messengers. The small children were accustomed to musical education so will study the violin, piano, guitar, percussion and voice. In addition, during adolescence, Dan begins to discover the source composition, a gift from the Creator music. All these
Preparation, God has used and later the guidance of the Spirit, take outline his plan with their lives. In 1983, with their families leaving Romania and settle in the city of Portland, Oregon, USA Mission “The Messengers” was founded in 1983 by Dan Damian. Since then, God has helped them record music received from him. Over the years their work has expanded more than they could imagine. Evangelism, concerts, building churches in Romania. Since 1997 they began producing and transmitting television program Good Shepherd in Portland and Romania. Music and their work is very loved and appreciated everywhere in the Romanian community and enjoys a very good cooperation with all pastors and churches in America, Europe and Romania. Since 1990, since God has decided that the communist regime are removed, mission work in Romania The Messengers expanded. He began working with Emanuel Christian Missionary Association of Sibiu, founded and run by Nicu Bisboaca.
In anul 1995 , Dumnezeu a pus in inima grupului The Messengers din Portland, SUA viziunea de a raspandi Evanghelia lui Dumnezeu prin intermediul televiziunii in Romania. Dupa 2 ani de rugaciuni, cercetari si pregatiri indelungate, Dumnezeu a deschis o usa pentru producerea si difuzarea emisiunii “Pastorul Cel Bun” in Romania.
Grupul The Messengers alaturi de alte biserici romanesti din SUA au cumparat primul spatiu de difuzare in cadrul unei televiziuni locale in 10 mai 1997, primul episod fiind difuzat in orasul Sibiu. Au urmat mai apoi orasele Arad, Craiova, Timisoara, Oradea si satele din imprejurimi.
In fiecare saptamana aproximativ 2 milioane de oameni au avut ocazia sa asculte evanghelia prin intermediul emisiunii Pastorul Cel Bun.
The Messengers are ca si partener asociat in misiunea pe care o face in Romania pe Asociatia Misionara Crestina Emanuel, fondata si condusa de Nicu Bisboaca. In fiecare oras in care emisiunea “Pastorul Cel Bun” este difuzata, exista consilieri spirituali care stau la dispozitia telespectatorilor pentru a raspunde la intrebari prin telefon sau personal.
Mii de Biblii se distribuie anual gratuit tuturor celor ce solicita o Biblie si multi oameni au fost atinsi de Dumnezeu prin intermediul acestei emisiuni. Exista multe marturii cum Dumnezeu a atins inimile telespectatorilor prin muzica si mesajele difuzate in cadrul acestei emisiuni, si multi care si-au dedicat viata lui Isus Cristos.
Daca cu 10 ani in urma emisiunea putea fi urmarita doar in cateva orase din Romania, in prezent emisiunea se difuzeaza in fiecare sambata de la 10.30 am si duminica de la 8 am pe canalul OTV Romania si se adreseaza unui numar mult mai mare de telespectatori, televiziunea OTV fiind disponibila in intraga tara.
Emisiunea “Pastorul Cel Bun” care se difuzeaza in fiecare duminica are in continuare ca producator pe Nicu Bisboaca si se realizeaza cu ajutorul sprijinului oferit de grupul The Messengers, al Asociatiei Misionare Crestine Emanuel Sibiu si cu sprijinul tuturor celor ce simt nevoia sa ajute financiar aceast proiect. Incepand din anul 2009 emisiunea Pastorul Cel Bun care se difuzeaza in fiecare sambata pe OTV, are ca si gazda pe pastorul Luigi Mitoi din Chicago, SUA, iar producatorul ei este Ciprian Caizar. Aceasta emisiune se realizeaza prin efortul bisericii Betania din Chicago. Ne rugam in continuare ca Dumnezeu sa ne dea inspiratie in tot ceea ce facem, aducand astfel programe de cea mai buna calitate in casele dumneavostra, menite sa raspunda intrebarilor spirituale care ne framanta si pe care omul si le-a ridicat inca de la creatie.
ENG: In 1995, God placed in the heart of Portland group The Messengers, USA vision to spread the gospel of God through the television in Romania. After 2 years of prayer, research and training long, God opened a door for the production and dissemination program “The Good Shepherd” in Romania.
The Messengers group with other churches in the US have bought the first Romanian space in a local television broadcast on May 10, 1997, the first episode was aired in Sibiu. There followed then the cities of Arad, Craiova, Timisoara, Oradea and surrounding villages.
Every week about 2 million people had the opportunity to hear the gospel through the Good Shepherd show.
The Messengers is the mission partner and that makes the Christian Missionary Association in Romania Emanuel, founded and run by Nicu Bisboaca. In each city the show “The Good Shepherd” is broadcast, there are spiritual counselors available to answer viewers questions by phone or in person.
Thousands of Bibles are distributed annually to all who request a free Bible and many people were touched by God through this show. There are many testimonies of how God touched the hearts of viewers through music and broadcast messages in this show, and many who have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ.
If 10 years ago the show can be seen only in a few cities in Romania, now show airs every Saturday at 10.30 am and Sundays from 8 am on channel OTV Romania and addresses a much larger number of viewers, The entire OTV television is available in the country.
The program “Good Shepherd” which airs every Sunday is still the producer Nicu Bisboaca and is done with the support of the group The Messengers, the Association of Christian missionaries Emanuel Sibiu and support all those who feel the need to financially help this project. Since 2009 the Good Shepherd show that airs every Saturday on OTV, is host and pastor Luigi Mitoi in Chicago, USA, and her producer is Ciprian Caizar. This program is realized through the efforts Bethany Church in Chicago. We ask further that God give us inspiration in everything we do, bringing programs of the highest quality in homes your opportunities to address spiritual questions we knead and which man has raised since its creation.